Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday Police Report: Hot for Teacher and Crab Walk

This week's police report provided two items of interest. The first event took place on Thursday, October 14, in the halls of learning known as Blaine high school, though the police report is dated October 15. For some reason, administrators at the high school waited a day to call in this little gem.

The high school reported that on Thursday a 15-year-old student had used a bottle of spray-on cologne in a way the manufacturers probably did not intended. The boy allegedly doused a backpack in the smelly substance and set the bag blaze all while in the confines of his classroom with fellow students watching. Spray-on cologne, like most things that come in an aerosol can, is flammable.

The school did not report any damage to personnel or property. Police conducted an investigation on October 15 by interviewing the student and other witnesses. The school has taken administrative action, and the police have sent a report to juvenile prosecutors. The boy could be charged with reckless endangerment and reckless burning.

The second police report of note was fortunately a little less dangerous. Shortly before midnight on Saturday, October 16, police came across a man walking along Peace Portal Drive in Blaine carrying a large stainless steel cooking pot. What bit of illegality the police thought the man was going to commit with the piece of kitchenware is unknown.

The police discovered upon stopping that man that the pot was filled with cooked crab. The man was apparently enjoying a harmless, if a tad unusual, midnight snack as he wandered the streets. The traveler did have outstanding warrants against him, but they were from other counties meaning Blaine police could not arrest him.

The man was allowed to finish his crustacean feast in peace. 

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