Friday, October 22, 2010

Hunting Bigfoot Update: My First Contact

Before I get anyone's hopes up, I don't mean my first contact with the mythical beast known as bigfoot. If that did happen, the first place I turn to would most likely not be my blog but rather my apartment for a change of pants.

Today I got an e-mail from a woman calling herself Vilnoori (she asked her real identity be hidden). She seems to be a regular participant on the Bigfoot Forums. She found my work e-mail address on a post I had made there asking for people in the Mt. Baker to talk to about bigfoot. Her e-mail to me concisely and clearly explained an alleged bigfoot experience she had had in a wooded area near Sumas, Washington, which is about half an hour east of Blaine. She even included photos.

She told me that a few years ago on a walk in the woods near Sumas, she came across some (to her eyes, at least) larger-than-human footprints in the mud and a few large broken branches. She said the larger of the two footprints was 17 inches long and the smaller was about 10 inches. While in this area, she also heard a strange humming sound she described as like that "...made by a large child inside a hollow culvert." She also found a tree that had been pushed over and a collection of small pebbles piled up in a nearby creek.

While she admitted she was on the fence about the existence of bigfoot, she did offer a possible explanation for the scene she came across. She suspected it might have been a play area of sorts for a young bigfoot accompanied by its mother, thus explaining the varying sizes of footprint and the broken branches.

The photos she included in the e-mail, while appreciated, didn't really show much of anything. The size of the human-like footprints was unclear, and the pile of pebbles in the stream was out of focus. I sent her an e-mail asking some questions about the circumstances of her discovery. I eagerly await her reply.

To sum up, Vilnoori seems to have seen something she did not immediately understand and has done her best to explain it given the available information. That's really all anyone can ask of someone who has experienced something unusual. Her story is not proof of bigfoot living in the area by any means, but I appreciate that she made the effort to come to me and say: I don't know what this, here's what I think, and here are some pictures. I hope everyone I meet while researching this story is as helpful and reasonable as she has been.

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